As most of you know a couple weeks ago I got so sick and tired of my crazy disaster of a master closet I decided to take on organizing it....however not just cleaning it out. I needed to come up with a better closet system for my husband and I.
Originally I thought "Hey, I'll take down all these rods and buy a closet system that drills into the wall...and it will be so fun and easy!"
HAHAHAHAHA. Yeaaaaaa right! Those bad boys are expensive and who is kidding who here I can barely use a drill. SO then I decided to look for simple closet systems that would solve the issues we had in our closet. Which were:
1. Shoes
2. Purses
3. Hats
These three issues were what really dragged it down and made it look like a hurricane swept through. You can take a look at the "BEFORE" pics below as long as you promise not to judge! I originally told you all I wasn't going to share my "befores" but a lot of you got a little angry at me..and you were totally right. Sometimes we just have to share the ugly truth to appreciate the after. Even as simple as it may be.
The view in from our bathroom...less than desirable. LOL
Not sure what is even happening here. That small shelf is just sort of where I "toss" stuff.
Our incredibly organized hats....and each morning I scramble through them all knocking them down and throwing them back up there. Very ideal-----> (Insert Sarcasm)
Oh yes, the pile of shoes. My organized chaos.
To solve our three main issues I first began looking and comparing prices online for Closetmaid Systems.
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I found this awesome and affordable shelf system that attaches right to your existing rod for around $60!!! Plus it shipped FAST and FREE!
Find the closet system .....HERE (Just click the blue link)
I figured this system would fix my shelving issue for my purses and I wouldn't lose any of my hanging rod space. Best part is this goes together in 10 minutes with no tools!
In the picture above you can see how I solved another issue we I got two expandable shoe racks from Walmart for ....wait for it....$13!! Each rack can hold up to twenty pairs of shoes!
Below is my rack which is on the opposite side of the wall.
Now I will say this..these are not the sturdiest racks. They also have wood options that I am sure are better quality. For our shoe issue though I really just needed somewhere to put the shoes we don't use much. All the shoes we use daily (like sneakers and flip flops) are in our front foyer closet. These racks probably wouldn't last long if I was taking shoes on and off them multiple times a day.
Having a designated place for purses and hats opened up my two smaller upper shelves and I was able to fold some of our "less used" clothes instead of using them as a tossing ground for anything and everything.
This whole project cost me under $80 you guys! It may not seem like it was a huge transformation but it was exactly what we needed! I used zero tools and caused zero damage! LOL :)
This blogger took some challenges and they’ve actually proved that they are capable of challenging others, this really looks really awesome! Great struggle and nice output.