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Showing posts from November, 2019

Getting Your Home Ready For Holiday Guests!

The holidays are comming- can you believe that Thanksgiving is next week?! I cannot! With the holidays approaching, I figured that this post was very timely.  I'm sure alot of you are currently stressing out about preparing your home for holiday guests and some of you might not know where to start.  Well, let me help you out. If you are struggling, keep reading because here are 5 ways to prepare your home for holiday guests. * Special thanks to my guest blogger Alex Berger for writing up this holiday blog post* 1. Stock The Pantry First of all, take note of who is comming.  Do you know thier likes and dislikes? If so, go ahead and stock the pantry and fridge with the things they prefer.  If you do not know what they enjoy, go ahead and ask them.  The reason that I always love to stock the pantry before my guests arrive is for a few reasons- 1) Having food in the house saves you from having the awkward "what are we going to eat" talk. 2) Having things...