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Showing posts from May, 2017

All Things Summer....

For literally days I have been using my free time in the evening going crazy over all the new summer staples at my favorite boutique! Seriously! It. Is. All. So. Good!! The round beach blankets to the mermaid candle! Here's just a few items that screamed summer to me.  (And if you don't know about Capri Candles...GET ONE and thank me later!)  Oh, and I almost forgot this is the best price I've seen on the adorable pom totes that are everywhere this summer! This post contains affiliate links. Round Beach Towel ( 3 color choices) Pineapple Phone Case Mermaid Candle Pool Party Beach Towel Pineapple Shot Glass Set Decorative Tray Blue Capri Candle Pom Pom Beach Tote

Here we go again! Project "Downtown Cottage"

I am soooo ready to dive back into a good project! Tomorrow we officially begin demo on the "Downtown Cottage".  If you remember over Mothers Day weekend I got to tour it with the girls and I completely fell in love with the area! It is literally minutes away from downtown St. Pete which has such a wonderful dining and bar waterfront.  Not too mention the adorable neighborhood my husband drove me all around.  This house is small but it has two bedrooms and nice size backyard so I'm hoping we can open up the floorplan and really let the kitchen steal the show.  I have been keeping track of any new homes on the market and I'm confident this fixer upper will sell in no time! Okay so let's get to it!!  Ava handed me these flowers she picked the morning we went over to the house! So sweet right?! The Downtown Cottage BEFORE The whole kitchen should be gone in about 24 hours.  We are using the same company we used for the Fair Oaks proj...

Area Rug Roundup!

It's Tuesday and we are counting down the days till summer! 5, 4, 3, 2, 1....Friday can't come soon enough!!  In the meantime I realized I haven't shared a round up of our area rugs lately and they are probably what I get the most comments about.  Well, that and the kitchen pendants!  So here is a little area rug roundup post with my top four favorite rugs in the house.   The gray jute rug in our bedroom didn't make the cut this time...I'm still in the honeymoon phase with our new guestroom rug! :) This post contains affiliate links. 1. Dining Room Rug linked ..... HERE 2.  Kitchen rug linked.... HERE 3. Family Room Rug linked..... HERE 4. Guest Room Rug linked.... HERE Yes, I see there is a pattern here.  What can I say....I guess I like blues!  However I have been thinking of switching up things up in the laundry room.  Whenever I get around to that.  But when I do I am thinking some pinks!...

Cocktail Hour

You all didn't think I would leave you hanging on cocktail options this weekend did you?  Cmon, that's not my style :) I picked up some minute maid light drinks this week at the grocery store..each one has 15 calories in a serving (and 2 to 3 carbs).  Add a little vodka and you got yourself a nice little Friday. This drink has: -3 carbs -15 calories -2 sugars Ingredients: -Vodka (I use about 3/4 a shot) - 4-6 oz Minute Maid Light Drink (I used the Light Mango Passion Fruit) -Ice -Lime to garnish  - 2 Rasberries Enjoy your weekend friends! And GO CAVS!

"Let's Getaway" Our tropical themed guestroom...

The only rooms that got any attention after we moved in were the girls room. Obviously because those are the most fun! However now with the dining room ORC challenge over I started focusing on our guestroom upstairs.  (And to be honest because we have lots of family and friends comming to visit this summer)   I knew I wanted navy and white bedding in this room.  I can't even tell you why.  All I know is even before we bought this house I always wanted a navy and white striped bed in a guestroom.  That's totally normal right?  Dreaming of decorating a guestroom you don't actually have?   Okay good..thought so! :) Let me tell you finding navy and white striped bedding is easy.  Finding quality navy and white striped bedding with great reviews...that was a challenge.  Challenge accepted. Below I've linked what I have bought for the room thus far.  I'm keeping it simple so there is more space (and easier to clean) and to jus...

5 Weeknight Low Carb Dinners

This morning after asking if anyone was interested in some low carb dinners my phone never stopped binging! It seems we all would like to lose a few lbs/inches with some easy weeknight dinners!  I'm choosing to share this weeks actual meals with you...above is the result of my trip to Publix this morning.  I have been eating low carb (on and off) since around 2011 and if you stick to it it WORKS. Like crazy.  I love it because within a week you feel and see a difference!  You can use the search bar on the top of my blog page to find low carb dinners I have shared in the past as well.  One I'm making this week is actually an oldie but goodie (Mushroom Pizzas). Okay to begin I am not an expert and I am not a dietitian. I'm just a mom who likes carbs but also likes wearing swimsuits.   Monday Dinner Plan.   BLT Tonight I am going to be making BLTS...these sound sorta ehh but we have brought these along on picnics and boat trips and ...

One Room Challenge (Week 6) Dining Room REVEAL

It's week SIX! Our dining room is officially done and the One Room Challenge has come to an end... Check out all the ORC reveals here.... Guest Participants Before I get into all the pictures I want to thank my partners on this project! Without them this room would never have come together as it did!  So a BIG "thank you" to  Lexmod Furniture WallPops Bealls Outlet Lets start off by taking a look back six weeks at the dining room "Before". The room sat pretty empty for a few months after we moved in but now it is anything but empty!  She's all DONE! When I come down the stairs now I can't help but love my new view! I am so happy I went with the side accent wall and not the wall opposite the window!  I think it makes the room feel bigger. (Chandelier linked on the blog just search "Kitchen and dining lighting") Everything about this wall I adore.  When we (aka my hu...