It is summertime in Florida which means one thing...visitors! It's no surprise friends and family love to come down and visit for a summer vacation. Making sure they feel welcomed and comfortable are super important! It is always a good thing to be the hostess with the mostess :) All that aside I am certainly a little over anxious this year because I finally have an actual guest room and guest bath! Since I recently finished the guest room I thought I would write up a quick little post about how you can prepare for any visitors this summer too! Obviously rule #1. Get the bed linens all laundered and fresh. Including some new bath towels and wash cloths. I found these plush striped towels at my local Marshalls and thought they looked super cute with the guest room theme. Make sure the guest room has a side table lamp as well as an overhead light. This way in the evening if your guest wants to read they can do so without illuminating the whole roo